The wild god stands in your kitchen.
Ivy is taking over your sideboard;
Mistletoe has moved into the lampshades
And wrens have begun to sing
An old song in the mouth of your kettle.
This lovely little book is an illustrated poem: the words are by Tom Hirons and the pictures by Rima Staines. For me, it’s a work which requires both elements, word and image, to make it as special as it is. The ‘you’ of the poem, who stands for us all, has banished the wild god from his or her safe, modern life; what happens when the wild god returns? (A wild and rather fun party, although a wren in my kettle would be a little inconvenient and I’m not sure I’d like to cough up snakes.)
You can buy copies of Sometimes a Wild God and read more about it and its creators at Hedgespoken Press, which is run by Tom and Rima.